Principal's Greeting

Timothy Carroll
(609) 268-0440
The Indian Mills Memorial School community is one in which the staff, students, and parents work together to support a developmentally appropriate curriculum and an after-school program in a student-centered, supportive environment. The Indian Mills tradition is one where expectations are high and students are encouraged to strive for excellence. Students at every ability level are exposed to new learning experiences that are both enriching and challenging. A dedicated and self-motivated staff works together to provide a balanced curriculum, and to foster a positive and nurturing school climate for students.
The core academic courses include Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Students excel in the well rounded Language Arts curriculum, which emphasizes the connection of reading and writing through literature, focuses on the writing process, and explores poetry, while still being founded in the conventions of the English language. The Mathematics program focuses on the development of critical thinking and problem solving skills in real world situations. In 8th grade, selected students take Algebra 1 and can receive high school credit from Seneca High School. Science incorporates hands-on activities and interactive experiments. The science teachers incorporate interdisciplinary connections to the other subject areas on a daily basis. The Social Studies program connects ancient and modern history and geography to the events and conflicts of the present. Students conduct research on every grade level and the teachers bring history alive through technology integration, projects, and presentations.
In addition to the core academic classes, students participate in Art, Instrumental and General Music, Health and Physical Education, and Spanish on a weekly basis. IMMS offers students in 8th grade the opportunity to take high school level Spanish 1. Students participating have the opportunity to obtain high school credit. All students have the opportunity to participate in the school band and chorus. One semester courses include Design Technology, where students explore 21st Century skills such as coding and robotics while also learning to maximize their use and understanding of the Media Center. In 5th and 7th grade, students now participate in a Financial Literacy course. Through these courses, students are able to develop their academic, physical, social, and aesthetic skills while building their self-esteem and learning to express themselves in new ways.
Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities provide students with many varied opportunities to pursue their interests, develop their talents and socialization skills, celebrate many different types of learning, and have fun.
We thank our community and parents for their support of the Indian Mills Memorial School, its students and its programs. We encourage parent participation in the educational process and look forward to continuing to work as partners in providing an excellent educational program for our children.